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Information: Recycling Of E-waste


Due to Directive of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), at least 4kg of e-waste (EG PCs, Laptops, TVs, Washing machines, etc) to be recycled per person.
So defiantly it is the good news for environment lovers and even the whole environment. But our past experiences was not so good! It shows the transition from policy to practice is not always seamless.
You remember the fridge mountains? The EU directive to cut the emission of ozone-depleting substances was introduced in 2002, when the UK did not have the facilities to safely remove CFCs from fridges.
While the infrastructure was hurriedly put into place, the pile of fridges grew higher and higher.

WEEE is the fastest growing stream of waste in the European Union. The UK is estimated to produce 1.2 million tonnes of e-waste each year, which until now had mostly ended up in landfill sites.


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